Dr. Debomitra Dey
Advanced Application Scientist
Anton-Paar, USA
Dr. Daphne Benderly
Director of R&D, Presperse, USA
Ed Godek, Process Technology Manager
Glatt Air Techniques, Inc.
Mr. Charles Vesey,
Formulation Technology
Manager, Colorcon , USA
Afaf Makarious,
Senior Global Technical Manager,
Beverage Emulsion and Encapsulation,
Ingredion, USA
Dr. Marc Meyers
Meyers Consulting, USA
Dr. James Oxley
Institute Scientist,
Southwest Research Institute, USA
Dr. Gary Reineccius,
Professor, Food Science and Nutrition, Department, University of Minnesota, USA
Ms. Debra Repko,
BUCHI Corporation, USA
Dr. Robert M. Sobel
Vice President of Research and Innovation
FONA International Inc. USA
Mr. Timothy J. Smith
Senior Process Development Scientist,
Freund, USA
Dr. Theodore Anastasiou
Vice President, Business Development
& Strategic Growth, Spray-Tek LLC
Mr. Walter Zackowitz
Consultant, Encap Ingredient Applications, USA
Dr. Semih Sefa Koseoglu
President, Bioactives World Forum, USA
Scott Magness
Director of Innovation, Texture Solutions
Ingredion Incorporated, USA